Shipping Policy

Versandbedingungen  / Shipping terms:

LIEFERLÄNDER: Weltweit / We ship worldwide!

Germany: 5,00€ pro Paket*

Ab €60.00 verschicken wir versandkostenfrei!

Wir versenden ausschließlich mit dem klimaneutralen Versand "Go Green" von DHL.


International deliveries:

For deliveries outside of Germany please proceed to the checkout using the shopping cart. Delivery prices for your country will be calculated automatically after you have logged in during checkout.

  1. EU = 13,99 Euro*
  2. We deliver your order within the EU for €6.99 on orders with a value over €60.00
  3. We deliver your order free of charge within the EU on orders with a value over 120.00€.
  1. Rest of the world = 29,99€
  2. Free Shipping Worldwide for all Orders above €250,00.


We'll ship only via DHL and their climate neutral service "GOGREEN"


Please note, shipping time for orders outside of Germany will take longer than stated in our product descriptions..